Wednesday, November 22, 2006


For me tradition is something important. It probably has a lot to do with my up bringing where we had family "traditions" that we did every year. Or maybe it's just my more conservative nature. Not sure.

But for me tradition is just something that you do. It's a way to help connect to the past, remember good days gone by, family members you never knew, etc. This doesn't mean that just because you did something at one point you have to always keep doing it for eternity. You carry on a tradition because you want to. The event starts to take on a life of it's own and helps to keep it going. If it doesn't then it becomes just an event and isn't as important in your life. It looses it's "tradition" status and then may eventually go away. This isn't a bad thing. It's just nature. If traditions never went away we'd all have special events and/or holidays 365 days a year!!

For me the definite tradition time is Thanksgiving. I actually wrote a post about it last thanksgiving and it dealt with... wait for it.... Tradition.

So how's that work. I finally get around to posting a new entry, and it turns out to be something I already wrote. Well, I don't care. I'm counting this as another entry. Read the link above if you want to see the whole deal about my thoughts. They turned out to still be true. Even more so as it's one more year for the tradition to dig in further.

So everyone out there have a wonderful, safe, Happy Thanksgiving.


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