Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Internet Speed Test

Now a test with just an ethernet connection through two routers in my house.

Significantly faster than the wireless. Nice!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Friday, August 03, 2007

Time Warner Business Class Cable Internet

I decided to shell out for the business class upgrade over the standard residential cable internet since I'm now working from home. Big thing I was worried about was quality of the upload speed due to using Skype and Vonage and just general use.

So far the upload speed is better. It's double what it was before. The download speed appears to be the same however. It should have doubled if not tripled as well, but it's good enough so I won't complain at the moment.

Some if it could be due to my wireless connection. Next week I may do a little testing to see if that's making much of a difference.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Day one working from home....

Well yesterday was the first day I did the official working from home deal.

It went very well and I was pretty relieved. Anytime you start a new endeavor you have to have some honest worry that it won't go as planned. I knew I could do it, but there are often things that just go outside your control.

Luckily it was a very hectic morning and that just made things flow easier and made the time go quicker and I think that helped.

We'll see how the rest of the week goes, but I'm definitely more confident in it now.
