Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007

Sorry for the lack of postings....

Been pretty busy with a lot of things going on lately and just haven't taken the time to do much in the way of posting. Lots of ideas on things to talk about here, but just haven't taken the time to sit down and do it.

I am trying to make a conscious effort to help keep both this blog and my "family" one updated more often. Hopefully this weekend I can steal an hour or so and get some things cleaned up on those multiple blogs / websites and make them a bit easier to start using more often. Just such a great tool for staying in touch with people and expressing your thoughts (sometimes for self meditation reasons) to the world. But you've still got to sit down and do it!!

Going to have lunch with my wife's 1st grade class today. She's been working with them the last two weeks on their behavior and promised if they did well I would come in for a pizza party with them. Definitely a great excuse to take a day off from work and remember what is truly important in life.

Please keep reading the blog and I promise to work on getting more updates and keeping things interesting.
