Sunday, September 11, 2005

Katrina Support

I'm not sure how many of my friends realized it, but I was supposed to be in New Orleans with my brother and grandparents the day Katrina hit. We were taking my Grandfather down to his army reunion, but they wisely canceled the entire reunion. I was disappointed because I knew he was looking forward to this for a while, plus I was excited to spend time with them, plus I was looking forward to seeing New Orleans. From the videos that I've seen on the news it looks like I'll never get the chance to see that city the way it was. Whatever they are able to rebuild with undoubtably be different.

There has been a major out cry lately for help for the people of the Gulf Coast. Unfortunately this all started late, but that's another deal. I encourage everyone to do what they can to support these people. I'm a firm believer in trying to help others, but now the "others" are Americans. I gave to the Tsunami victims as well, but these people are our own and they need our help. I've included a link to the Red Cross, but if you don't want to give to that organization for whatever reasons, I encourage you to find some others. Some young girls in our neighborhood raised $142 selling lemonade yesterday in just a few hours!!

Do what you can.


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