Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cool band to check out....

I've been listening to this band called "And Then I Turned Seven" for a about a year now. I don't remember how I found them on the web, but through the magic of the internet I did. On their website and the related links to their My Space page and their Pure Volume page I was able to find a few MP3's to listen too.

They have a great sound for a young independent band. Their song "Goodbye (I'm Sorry)" deals with suicide and is just incredible. Has a great sound and a very good message.

I finally decided to up and buy their entire album called "Broken Summer" and I got it today in the mail. Was not disappointed.

They have atleast one more album that I'll probably end up picking up, but I highly recommend atleast checking out their free downloads from their sites.

Good luck guys.

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