The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni
This is just a great book for any person. We all are members of teams in our lives, whether that's in business, family, sports, whatever.
The book is geared toward a business situation and that's where it shows the most relevance. It's written as a novel for most of the book and that was an interesting approach. The author does a great job of doing this and making his points understood very well by the different characters. You are instantly able to relate your life to the situation by picturing the different characters as the good, and bad, people on the teams in your life.
A valuable, although at times difficult, part of reading this book for me was seeing how I often do a lot of things wrong in the teams that I'm part of. After reading this book I'm much more aware of things that I do and have started to watch for those in order to put the team first. A very enlightening experience.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who leads a team, or is part of one that is looking to make improvements.
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