Sunday, October 23, 2005

Batman Begins

Well I finally got to see Batman Begins. As my usual self I didn't get around to going to see it in the theaters, but I wish I did. All of my friends that saw it gave it awesome reviews and I should have taken their advice and gone and seen it on the big screen. However, I don't think the DVD was any sort of a disappointment to me. For me the major thing with Batman Begins was seeing a version of the story on how Batman actually comes to be. To me that's the best part of the whole Batman Legend and so this movie was definitely geared to me.

I won't spend much time giving a break down of the film. If you're looking for that please read my friend Jay's review of the movie on his blog as he does it much better than I ever could.

The only thing that this movie did raise for questions had more to do with physics and reality. How does a Microwave Emitter vaporize all the water in a city but not vaporize all the living creatures that are made up mostly of water? Maybe this is one of those questions that's ignored by everyone that didn't go to Engineering schools? We geeks just ruin it for everyone I guess.

But all in all this was a great movie. I really did enjoy the first Batman with Michael Keaton, but I think this new one is even better.

Definitely give this movie a thumbs up or whatever you want to call it. Check out the DVD and see for yourself!!


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